University of Copenhagen,
Open access chapters
By Neha Bakshi, Amisha Khurana and Shanza Ferozi
By Luís Henrique Covello, Beatriz Guereiro Ruiz Castro, Maria Carolina Paulillo, Gabriel Bernardes Yacoub, Marcella Mancini de Sousa and Diogo Toledo
By Fulya Çabuk and Mustafa Çetiner
By Noemí Georgina Díaz-Meneses, Javier Aquiles Hidalgo-Acosta, Eva Jackeline Mero-Chávez, Mirelly Asunción Gómez-Alcívar, Giomar Rebeca Viteri-Gómez, Mercedes Annabelle Cabadiana-Cevallos, Luz Elvira Gutiérrez-Vítores, Leonor Concepción Vera-Macías, Esther María Vera-Plaza, Mónica Piedad Morán-Ayala and Héctor David Chávez-Flores
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