IntechOpen Book Series

Materials Science

BOOK SERIES DOI 10.5772/intechopen.1002828ISSN 3049-8856

Latest publication 16 January 2025

A collection of scientific Topics in Materials Science - always open for submission with an Annual Volume published each calendar year with a dedicated ISSN and ISBN.

Led by Series Editor Prof. Chonghe Li and an international Editorial Board, all submissions are peer-reviewed and published immediately after acceptance.

The Book Series also publishes a program of research-driven Thematic Edited Volumes that focus on specific areas and allow for a more in-depth overview of a particular subject.


Materials science has always occupied an extremely high position in the human development process. As we explore the oceans of stars, various industries have put forward more stringent requirements for the performance of materials, forcing us to pay more and more attention to the development of new materials. At the same time, the formation of a data-driven scientific paradigm is dramatically shortening the development cycle of new materials. The huge data generated by synergistically combining theories, high-throughput experiments, high-throughput computation, and artificial intelligence is greatly contributing to our ability to utilize materials science to solve real-world problems. The three topics of this book series - Metals and Nonmetals; Composite Materials; and Surface Science - will address important areas of advancement in materials science. There will be a range of interesting works published under these topics.

Series Editor

An image of Chonghe Li

Chonghe Li

Shanghai University,

Publication details

BOOK SERIES DOI 10.5772/intechopen.1002828

ISSN 3049-8856


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Topics in Materials Science

Topic Editor

An image of Joan Josep Roa Rovira

Joan Josep Roa Rovira

Steros GPA Innovative S.L., Spain

Topic Editor

An image of Anna Boczkowska

Anna Boczkowska

Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

Topic Editor

An image of Wan Sharuzi Wan Harun

Wan Sharuzi Wan Harun

Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah

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