Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
Jamia Millia Islamia,
Open access chapters
By Sadia Rani, Samina Aslam, Ali Irfan, Emilio Mateev, Sami A. Al-Hussain and Magdi E.A. Zaki
By Lubna Khan, Rashid Ali and Farheen Farooqui
By Laila Rubab, Ali Irfan, Mohammad Raish, Huma Hameed, Shazia Akram Ghumman, Samina Aslam, Shazia Perveen, Ajaz Ahmad, Zeemal Seemab Amin and Yousef A. Bin Jardan
By Thuraya Al-Harthy, Wajdi Zoghaib and Raid Abdel-Jalil
By Nawal Kishore Sahu, Amol T. Mahajan and Sandeep Chaudhary
By Seyedmohammad Hosseininezhad and Ali Ramazani
382 Total Chapter Downloads
1 Crossref Citations
1 Dimensions Citations
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